
We invite you to help Gulfshore Opera’s bottom line by hosting a visiting performer. Only a few opera singers reside in Southwest Florida, so we must house most of our visiting artists.

We are known for artistic excellence and hospitality. You can contribute much to our success by housing a visiting opera performer, director, orchestra member during high season for a few days to a couple of weeks.

Can you provide a bed/bath suite in your home for no more than two weeks? The artists will greatly appreciate your generosity, and you will enjoy getting to know them. These artists are serious professionals who will be working most days and evenings.

They will have their own transportation during their stay. We will recognize your generosity as an Artist Housing Sponsor in our playbills. Plus…we will give you 2 free tickets to an event this season.

Gulfshore Opera is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity, you may be entitled to a tax deduction for any rental income you would have earned during the time you donated this space to us.

If you are able to assist please reach out to Renee Ludwig at or call us 239-529-3925.