Current giving is a generous and effective way of ensuring Gulfshore Opera’s future, which may provide tax benefits for you and your family.

Ways You Can Help:


Support us now – If you wish to donate beyond your usual Maestro Club pledge, you may designate a specific amount to ENCORE!

Installment Pledge

Designate a monthly or quarterly amount to automatically deposit to ENCORE!

Donation of Assets

Examples include: Appreciated Securities, Real Estate, Art, Jewelry…

Current Gifts from Your Retirement Plans

Your individual retirement account (IRA) can be worth more when donated to GO. If you are over age 70½, you can direct that your Required Minimum Distribution—or a greater amount up to $100,000–be transferred directly to GO tax-free. Because these distributions are ordinarily subject to income tax, a direct IRA transfer means that your gift to GO is worth more! The transfer must be from a traditional or rollover IRA and must be made directly to GO.


Consult your tax advisor and IRA custodian for advice.

Legal Name: Gulfshore Opera, Inc.
Address: 9911 Corkscrew Rd. Suite 105, Estero, FL 33928
Phone: (239) 529-3925

Donations are tax deductible under Section 501(c)(3), tax ID #47-0989874.
Florida charitable solicitation #CH48511. Gulfshore Opera, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation organized under Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code.